
Showing posts from October, 2018

The Museum Train

The last couple of years have been an ongoing saga trying to get the train to run smoothly. The engine was stripped out and new bearings ordered. The bearings became a saga in their own right. The first ones made were the wrong size. Then the order got lost on the way from the manufacturers to the museum. All in all it took close to a year to get the bearings and train reunited. After all that the train proved impossible to start. Nothing could get the engine turning over at the right speed to keep it running. In the end, after months of persistence, the train was at last running. This train was built in 1943 and would have been used at military depots. However, almost identical trains were used in the trenches during World War I. Boys will be boys and whilst we had a few quiet minutes one afternoon Steve took Les and Roger for a ride on the track. Steve and Les Steve Steve and Roger

Last 2 weeks of the 2018 season

It seems impossible but we are just 2 weeks away from the end of the 2018 season. This years visitor numbers have already exceeded our all time best of just over 10,000 which we achieved last year. If you want to come and see us this year make it soon as we close the gates on Sunday 28th of October until just before Easter next year. After that date the hard work really begins as we work throughout the winter on our repair, paint, maintenance programme to make sure everything is perfect for next year. To all of you that have been to see us we hope that you enjoyed your visit and will come back again next year to see our new displays. The blog will continue through the winter to give you an idea of what work we're doing and any new items that come in and are being prepared for next year.

Reggie the British Bulldog

Reggie, a British Bulldog, was a visitor to the museum last Wednesday. If ever there was a dog born to wear a Union Flag bandana then Reggie is it. Thanks for modelling so well Reggie.