
Airfield Bus Tours

Unfortunately, Marlene, our trusty electric bus won't be doing any Airfield Tours this year as the the social distance cannot be kept for the passengers onboard. This will be disappointing for the many of our visitors last year who were wanting to go on one of the tours this year.  Hopefully by July next year things will be back to normal and the airfield tours can resume. The remains of the airfield, runways and dilapidated buildings, are on free to roam land so you can park your car and walk the site. On a clear day - we do get some in Cornwall - if you climb up the stairs of the control building you can get some good photos of the two tors, Brown Willy and Rough Tor, which provide a good back drop. The two tors were used as navigation points during WWII.

Open again

Steve and Sheila are pleased to say that the museum is now open for the 2020 season. As you'll understand there are restrictions in place and these must be strictly adhered to. During the lockdown the volunteers kept working, at a safe social distance of course, and much has been achieved due to the extra months of work time being available. There are many new items and displays all waiting for you to pay a visit. Markers, arrows, hand sanitisers and signs are throughout the museum. Because of the way that the museum is laid out there should be minimum inconvenience for visitors. PLEASE NOTE when you visit it is crucial that the social distance of 6ft with the volunteers and other visitors is kept to. It's imperative that none of us are in the situation that could compromise us if a visitor could be incubating the virus  and later test positive for it. Other than that please enjoy your visit with us. PS. The comments system for this blog has been updated and can ...


By now the museum would normally be open, especially for the Easter Holidays. But like the rest of the world the U.K has been hit with the Coronavirus. To keep within the new rules and regulations the museum cannot open now and will remain shut until the laws change. We hope that all of you stay safe and we can see you in happier times.

Closed for the winter

I won't be going up to the museum during it's winter shut down this year so the blog will be taking a break until March 2020.                                                                                                                             As soon as it's getting near to the new season the blog will begin again.                                                 From everyone at the museum we wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year.

Somerset & Devon Road Run

Recently the museum hosted part of the Somerset & Devon Road Runs beautiful, classic lorries. The day was overcast but it didn't diminish the sight of all those lorries polished up and gleaming. Thank you Les for the photos.

Last Airfield Tour of the Season

This Thursday saw the last airfield tour of the 2019 season.  As always the tours have been extremely popular. It's not too early to book for the tours next year now. Ring the museum mobile number and your booking will be put in the diary. As always the tours will be on a Thursday afternoon only, with the seats going to the first 10 people who book up. The museum will revert to being open Tuesdays to Saturdays inclusive from the beginning of October, with the exception being the last week of October which is the schools half term. After that the museum will be closed until next year. Steve begins his airfield talk. Looking over at the ruins of the old buildings. In the remains of the control tower. The last group of 2019.

Original Stanton Air Raid Shelter

The museum is lucky to have an original Stanton Air Raid Shelter within the grounds.  Steve has added a realistic sound track which starts with the alarm siren warning of an imminent air raid. Then there is the noise of bombs going off all around and eventually the siren giving the all clear. After that there are the noises of emergency vehicles which had bells ringing in those days, not the wailing sirens that we're used to today. There are benches along the walls and it really gives the feeling of what it must have been like to spend hour upon hour in the dark and damp listening to the bombs falling and wondering if your house was still standing. This shelter is reputed to have it's own ghost.